Seneca among Quebec’s 25 largest engineering firms

Seneca is extremely proud and elated to announce that it is one of Quebec’s Top 25 engineering firms according to the newspaper Les Affaires’ annual ranking. Now more than ever, Seneca is excelling in large-scale industrial projects both in Quebec and abroad.

“I share this honour with all of Seneca’s employees. The passion and professionalism they show day in and day out make us a major company in Quebec. Thanks to their help and devotion, we meet our clients’ needs with cutting-edge technical expertise. I would like to personally thank all of them,” said President Benoît Couture.

“Ranking 23rd is all the more impressive considering that we are a firm specializing in industrial materials processes,” partner and engineering development vice-president Raymond Simoneau notes happily. “It is a clear indication that we are a solid partner in fulfilling our clients’ great industrial ambitions.

Quebec’s Top 25 engineering firms was published last September. It is based on the actual number of employees in Quebec firms. Detailed results are available here.

Publication date 30 October 2017
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