Demonstration plant for the removal of CO2 from flue gases
The project and its challenges
CO2 Solutions is a company that specializes in enzymatic carbon capture technology. Their patented innovative technology allows for the separation and concentration of CO2 from smokestacks at roughly one third of the cost of competing technologies. This process is one of the latest innovations in GHG reduction.
The objective of the company was to build and operate a demonstration plant that would capture approximately 8 tons of CO2 per day from stack effluents. The project sought to confirm the robustness and the low energy intensity of the recovery process, in an effort to pave the way for marketing the technology.
Seneca was mandated to help the company manage the project until the prototype’s start-up. Services included:
- EPCM project management
- Preliminary design studies and estimates
- Detailed engineering
- Process design (the Seneca process package)
- Technical assistance during start-up
- Steering committee
- Project charter.
CO2 Solutions
$3,2 million
2014 – 2015
The proposed solution
Completion strategy
Since CO2 Solutions’ head office is located in Quebec, Seneca suggested employing local suppliers to save time and money. CO2 Solutions then decided to operate the plant where the contractor had built it, instead of moving it to Saskatchewan as initially planned. This decision helped the company save testing costs and start earlier than planned.
Modular design
This project required that the temporary facilities be in operation only during the summer, and be easily moveable from one site to another. Therefore, Seneca designed modules that could be easily deployed in remote areas like oil fields.
Budget optimization
The project’s budget was particularly tight. Seneca helped CO2 Solutions by holding down expenditures until CAPEX matched available funds. In a very short time and with very little money, a working prototype was deployed and started.
The results
> Testing carried out on time, on budget and in accordance with the specifications
> Achievement of the success criteria stated in the project charter
> Conversion of a laboratory technology into a provable technology
> Automated operations requiring few on-site operators
> Cost optimization for completion under budget
> An exceptional technology showcase.
Testimony of satisfaction
Seneca is a world-class engineering firm with proven experience in construction of pilot plants. The team’s project management skills helped us launch our demonstration activities according to our objectives, our schedule and our budget. Thank you Seneca for this great collaboration!